The Estin Report: Aspen Snowmass 2021 ws final* was released on Jan 14, 2021 in Current Reports. It can be read online or downloaded as PDF.  The 32-Pg print edition is available outside Sotheby’s 415 E Hyman on the Hyman Mall, Sotheby’s 300 S Spring St (my office across from the Aspen Art Museum), at the Aspen Chamber Kiosk across from Paradise Bakery and the Pitkin County (ASE) airport. If you have difficulty downloading  the PDF, please contact me directly or by text 970.309.6163 with your name and email, and I’m happy to send it to you.

Click image  for download PDF page.

*011321 Rev final posted with following revisions:
Pg 5: Added this to top of Pg 5, “Aspen Snowmass Real Estate 2021 about: safety, security, comfort, sanctuary, peace, and family”
Pg 5 top, Change to read: “Dollar sales were 50-100% higher than the preceding record years:”
Pg 6, WSJ article cited, end quotation mark added.
Pg 7 middle: revised sentence reads, “Since then they’ve more than recovered: in 2013, the median price for an Aspen homes was $4.08M; in H2 2020, it was $9.25M, an increase of 127%.”